AIP-1: Proposing the DAO - Process
Submitted by: Cartan Group LLC
This document proposes the structure of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that would be governed by the holders of ApeCoin, a decentralized token that the community hopes will serve as the primary token for art, gaming, entertainment, and events in web3.
Initial APE Foundation and ApeCoin DAO setup costs
Setup Costs including domain purchases and fees, legal fees, DAO administration setup, Discourse Enterprise and setup, and misc out of pocket costs.
$2 million
Monthly recurring costs (first 6 months)
Administration Fees (Cartan Group LLC)
To provide operational support and project management support for the Foundation
To act as the team of moderators, administrators, and lead in Discourse
To act as the team of reviewers to prepare reports and any other supporting documentation necessary
$150K USD per month, company contracted for a 6-month term
Discourse Enterprise Account
Discussion platform to host all topics discussed by the community before formalizing into proposals. Enterprise account allows for plug-ins, which allowed us to build a custom token-gating solution that verifies that a Discourse user is an ApeCoin holder.
$1,500 per month, on month to month basis
APE Foundation Board Compensation
Compensation is entirely in the form of ApeCoin to align incentives of Board Members with DAO Members.
Each Board member receives $125K in ApeCoin for their 6-month term, subject to equal monthly vesting over the course of their term (~$20,833.00 of ApeCoin/month for 6 months).