AIP-104: Bringing Web3 to Educators & Schools



This grant will help us fund a series of events to educate educators about web3 concepts. Ed3 DAO, the first non-profit DAO for educators, by educators, aims to educate 1 million teachers and education professionals in web3 tools and principles. This grant requests $84,951 in $APE.

Overall Cost:

We request a grant/sponsorship from ApeCoin DAO to cover the following costs:

  • Virtual space architecture development: $25,000 for virtual space build

  • Tech subscription: $12,600 for 4 spaces with 500 capacity in Ed3verse

Compensation for Event Staff will be as follows:

  • Unconference developer & manager: $70 x 20 hrs per week for 2.5 months = $15,750

  • Marketing & content associate: $50 x 5 hrs per week for 2.5 months = $2,813

  • Event coordinator: $30 x 5 hrs per week for 2.5 months = $1,688

  • Day-of event Management staff: $15 x 5 hrs per day x 4 days x 10 people = $3,000

  • Administrative: $15 x 3 hrs per week for 2.5 months = $500

Costs For Ongoing Events are outlined here:

  • Zoom: $15.35 per month x 6 months = $100

  • Ed3verse: $300 per month x 2 per month for 6 months = $3,600

  • Two staff members to market & organize each event = $16,200

  • $50 courtesy gift swag or crypto per event for non-staff talent = $1,200

  • $50 courtesy gift swag or crypto for talent ($50 x 50 speakers) = $2500

This grant will fund & sponsor Ed3DAO to host educational events for 6 months.

The total cost for this proposal is $84,951 converted into $APE after proposal passes.

Full AIP Here:


AIP-105: ApeCoin Drops in the Real World