AIP-292: Inclusive Governance: Delegate Community Program
Author: NFD
This proposal seeks approval to establish a process and framework to build out a “Delegate Community Program" for the purpose of fostering inclusivity, further decentralization of cultural governance, and encouraging collaboration with ApeCoin from diverse web3 communities.
A ‘Delegate Community’ in essence acts as a sub-DAO and utilizes voting rights delegated to it by the ApeCoin DAO. Per any other delegate voting entity, the $ape tokens remain in the custody of the owner - in this case the ApeCoin DAO
‘Delegate Communities’ will establish Snapshot Organisations which will deploy ERC-721 strategies, enabling their respective communities to vote on proposals using their own NFTs. In turn, the result of their internal vote will dictate the direction of their delegated ApeCoin vote. This mirrors the Mocaveerse model.
To incentivise participation, ‘Delegate Communities’ will receive a share of TBD $ape grant on a TBD frequency for participating in a TBD percentage of AIPs.
Much like recent Working Group AIPs, this proposal is not requesting approval for the final program implementation. Rather, this proposal is introducing voters to the concept of delegating power to and incentivising communities across web3 to engage with ApeCoin and its governance.
For the avoidance of doubt, there is NO COST FOR THIS INITIAL PROPOSAL.
If successfully passed, however, there will be a follow-up proposal to outline and agree the process for:
Period Covered: Fixed, Rolling etc
Vote Delegation
How many votes to ring fence and delegate
Delegate Community Selection
How many
Qualifying Criteria
Amount of $ape for the rewards
Frequency of rewards
Administrative Oversight
People - who is managing this stream
How are they incentivised
How is success (theirs and the proposal) measured
Detailed overview of the deployable process including systems, transparency and community engagement
I intend to work with the Ape Assembly to propose the above items and any other considerations that will be needed to implement the final process.
Upon approval, bring a finalised AIP - outlining implementable program - within two weeks.
Steps to Implement:
Step 1: Approve this concept proposal
Step 2: Follow up proposal to include deployable plan including - but not limited to - the items listed in the above abstract. This final proposal will be listed as an idea to gather feedback, refined and then put up for vote as a formal AIP.
Overall Cost: The overall cost for this proposal is zero.