AIP-66: ApeCoin Newsletter - Ecosystem Fund Allocation


Author: bc


We believe that an ApeCoin newsletter that is developed and distributed by the community would be a beneficial source of information for members of the DAO. The newsletter could be developed on Substack, Ghost, MailChimp or a similar platform. It should be an aggregation of ApeCoin specific ecosystem news, AIPs, conversations, opportunities and content sourced from Discourse, Discord, Twitter and other internet destinations. The newsletter should promote and educate all things related to the ApeCoin DAO.


Over the course of one year, every month that you deliver two newsletters (every other week), the ApeCoin Foundation will send you 400 ApeCoin.

Overall Cost

For each team that is selected, the ApeCoin Foundation will send 400 ApeCoin per month. Criteria each month will be two newsletters distributed to their subscribers. The ApeCoin Foundation will validate every month that the team has sent two newsletters.

We suggest capping the time for this idea to one year. At this point, the newsletter may be continued via a new AIP. Hopefully, teams will have built up a large enough audience at the end of one year that they can have a self-sustaining business model.



AIP-70: Bored Ape Gazette: Ape Coin Media/BAYC News