AIP-70: Bored Ape Gazette: Ape Coin Media/BAYC News


Author: Boredapegazette


The Bored Ape Gazette has grown exponentially over the past year and we have covered everything in the Bored Ape ecosystem since June 1,2021. I am committed to building a trusted source of information for this community and I would like to expand the operations into continuous research, analysis and reporting across the ecosystem. After speaking with Brandon Caruana, I believe the best way for the Bored Ape Gazette to grow is via a grant from the ApeCoin DAO.

We fully believe in the power and support of this community and would like to work for it full time. We have a plan to turn the Bored Ape Gazette into a sustainable business model over the course of one year and I am requesting a grant from the community to help me accomplish this goal.


The Bored Ape Gazette is positioned to begin implementing these steps immediately. Once the DAO approves of this grant, coverage of all things ape will ramp up from 1-2 stories a day to 3-5. I also will host the first Bored Ape Gazette writers meeting a week after the approval of this AIP.

On the second or fourth Tuesday of the month following the approval of this grant I will release the first bi- weekly newsletter on the ApeCoin DAO. Going forward, these newsletters will be released on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. I believe releasing these newsletters on Tuesday is critical so $Ape holders have a day to read the news and vote before the Wednesday night deadline.

The updates to the Bored Ape Gazette website will begin immediately after the approval of this grant. Brandon Caruana has agreed to help with this part. The website should be transformed within a quarter.

Overall Cost

$150,000 USD for the first year.


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